An MLM opportunity is a great way to generate income at home. But it is important to find the right network marketing company to handle. NarcThatCar is a newcomer to the MLM field and promises an easy way to make money from the comfort of your home. It is hard to believe the company's claims that it can be enriched by simply entering certain registration details. Let's analyze the MLM business and see if it's worth investing your time.
An introduction to NarcThatCar
William Forrester, the founder, wanted to create a database of license details that could be used by federal and repossession agencies. The company is headquartered in Dallas and was officially launched in 2009. The founder had the idea to build his database through a network of representatives who formed a growing chain. The company earns money by selling details of cars told to agencies that want to recover these vehicles.
Narcing For A Living
The promoters of this company swear by the fact that all you have to do is NARC at least ten cars each month and bring three representatives Narc this car on Reps to get a decent monthly income from the company. Is it so simple? Just sign up, write down some registration details and enter them in the system. Why, it seems easier than even driving a car! Let's look at the basics and see if the real work is so easy.
More in the company
- How much does it cost?
In addition to an initial investment of $ 75, you will pay $ 24.95 per month to maintain your commercial website. Collecting your $ 75 is easy enough; You only have to drug ten cars to get it back.
- How much do they pay you?
Depending on your level in the company, you are paid between $ 0.25 and $ 2 for narcotic cars and $ 25 to bring people. If you get customers who buy the details of the car told, you also get a commission for that.
Read between the lines
- It's easy enough for narc cars; all you have to do is write the registration numbers and map the cars. But even at the highest level, you are paid only $ 20 for ten cars. Money is about getting more people into the business; and making sure they work to expand their MLM offspring.
- There are no products to treat, there is no inventory to stock and there is no quality standards to maintain. While this seems to be a benefit to the company, without an adequate product and with all the emphasis on recruiting people, it looks like a pyramid scheme. You've probably heard stories from distributors about how even your grandfather has made money in this business.
- Most people would feel more comfortable joining successful MLM opportunities like Amway, Avon or Oriflame; These have been around for years and are much more reliable. It is a known fact that most network marketing companies fail in the second year.
Success in NarcThatCar
Use the fact that this business is new for your benefit and make your way to the top using the right marketing tactics. It may be tempting to spread the word to all your friends and relatives who, in your opinion, would be as excited as you by this company; but this approach usually ends in disappointment. It is best to promote your business online, reach thousands of people and connect with interested prospects. The Internet has several tools, such as article marketing and social networking, that allow your website to rank well in search engines and attract many visitors.
Lawrence Tam has brought out the best of hundreds of internet marketers helping them create wealth for their own network marketing business. Success in any network marketing business is based on knowing the secrets of online marketing such as Facebook / MySpace, Twitter, classified ads and many more. Get your F-R-E-E training by mastering these and other marketing methods at: Narc That Car Online Leads.
If you're serious about your future, you'll want to sign up for my 7-day Internet Bootcamp for video lead generation.
An introduction to NarcThatCar
William Forrester, the founder, wanted to create a database of license details that could be used by federal and repossession agencies. The company is headquartered in Dallas and was officially launched in 2009. The founder had the idea to build his database through a network of representatives who formed a growing chain. The company earns money by selling details of cars told to agencies that want to recover these vehicles.
Narcing For A Living
The promoters of this company swear by the fact that all you have to do is NARC at least ten cars each month and bring three representatives Narc this car on Reps to get a decent monthly income from the company. Is it so simple? Just sign up, write down some registration details and enter them in the system. Why, it seems easier than even driving a car! Let's look at the basics and see if the real work is so easy.
More in the company
- How much does it cost?
In addition to an initial investment of $ 75, you will pay $ 24.95 per month to maintain your commercial website. Collecting your $ 75 is easy enough; You only have to drug ten cars to get it back.
- How much do they pay you?
Depending on your level in the company, you are paid between $ 0.25 and $ 2 for narcotic cars and $ 25 to bring people. If you get customers who buy the details of the car told, you also get a commission for that.
Read between the lines
- It's easy enough for narc cars; all you have to do is write the registration numbers and map the cars. But even at the highest level, you are paid only $ 20 for ten cars. Money is about getting more people into the business; and making sure they work to expand their MLM offspring.
- There are no products to treat, there is no inventory to stock and there is no quality standards to maintain. While this seems to be a benefit to the company, without an adequate product and with all the emphasis on recruiting people, it looks like a pyramid scheme. You've probably heard stories from distributors about how even your grandfather has made money in this business.
- Most people would feel more comfortable joining successful MLM opportunities like Amway, Avon or Oriflame; These have been around for years and are much more reliable. It is a known fact that most network marketing companies fail in the second year.
Success in NarcThatCar
Use the fact that this business is new for your benefit and make your way to the top using the right marketing tactics. It may be tempting to spread the word to all your friends and relatives who, in your opinion, would be as excited as you by this company; but this approach usually ends in disappointment. It is best to promote your business online, reach thousands of people and connect with interested prospects. The Internet has several tools, such as article marketing and social networking, that allow your website to rank well in search engines and attract many visitors.
Lawrence Tam has brought out the best of hundreds of internet marketers helping them create wealth for their own network marketing business. Success in any network marketing business is based on knowing the secrets of online marketing such as Facebook / MySpace, Twitter, classified ads and many more. Get your F-R-E-E training by mastering these and other marketing methods at: Narc That Car Online Leads.
If you're serious about your future, you'll want to sign up for my 7-day Internet Bootcamp for video lead generation.
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