Cosmetic surgery is defined as the remodeling of the outer body surfaces for the purpose of aesthetic improvement. Cosmetic surgery has evolved from plastic surgery, which was originally conceived as a reconstructive or corrective medical science. The cult of improving cosmetic surgery continues to grow at an astonishing rate, with British industry recording a 25% increase in revenue between 2009 and 2010. There is no doubt that much of this popularity is powered by the daily diet of celebrities news surgically improved. Young people in particular seek to imitate their idols resulting from their bodies, while the amazing and impressive results of many cosmetic procedures are presented daily in the press. Men are far from immune to this phenomenon and men between the ages of 20 and 40 represent the fastest growing population in plastic surgery.
Once considered the preserve of the stars of Hollywood aging, cosmetic surgery has lost all social stigma that was once attributed to it, and it has firmly entered the general consciousness. The combination of lower prices and improved surgical techniques has made cosmetic enhancement accessible to a much wider customer base than before. Breast augmentation, abdominoplasty, liposuction and Botox treatments, for example, are now considered relatively routine procedures, especially for the rich and the young. People with competitive, well-paying jobs often opt for cosmetic surgery as a way to move forward in the corporate world. Tens of thousands of Britons are now opting for surgical enhancement every year, in one of the more than 5,000 clinics set up to care for them. The desire for eternal youth and aesthetic improvement is common to all social strata. It is a fundamental and accepted fact of modern life that people increasingly judge others because of their appearance.
One of the main problems with the cosmetic surgery industry in the UK is the large number of procedures that are offered, and the number of professionals willing to perform them. Recent surveys have shown that most clinics in the UK simply do not have enough experience to carry out most of the complicated invasive surgical procedures they offer. The regulation of the industry is inefficient and many clinics seek to attract new customers by offering the widest possible range of services. A high percentage of plastic surgery patients are repeat clients who undergo their second or third operation, which increases the real value of each new client a clinic can obtain. Ruthless selling tactics include interest-free finance, 2 for 1 offers and non-refundable deposits. Driven by profit, clinics often recommend inappropriate procedures to clients and create unrealistic expectations of likely outcomes.
Cosmetic surgeons have a basic duty of care to their clients, and the law is supposed to perform cosmetic surgeries with reasonable care and dexterity. Specific medical complications include allergic reactions to anesthesia, wound infection and nerve damage that can cause loss of physical sensation. A qualified surgeon should monitor patients to prevent the accumulation of pockets of blood or fluid under the skin. It is also essential that a medical consultation be conducted to identify the contraindications that make surgery unsuitable for an individual, such as pregnancy and diabetes. Excessive surgery can cause severe scarring and disfigurement. Often, the emotional drop will be severe, destroying a person's self-confidence and causing depression. The pain and suffering of a cosmetic surgery that went wrong can be intense and can affect every area of a person's life.
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