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Basic Concepts Regarding Yoga Therapy Littleton Co Residents May Find Beneficial

By Jason Hall

Yoga involves exercising physically and mentally to improve overall health of an individual. It brings together the spirit, mind and body. This form of therapy is indicated in managing various conditions including drug addiction, depression, anxiety and other psychiatric disorders. In this article we discuss further details regarding yoga therapy Littleton Co residents may find worth knowing.

A number of medical illnesses can be controlled using therapeutic yoga. It can be applied to a single patient or a group of patients suffering from the same illness. Also, it can be used adjunctively or as the main form of addressing certain medical disorders. Combining medicine and this technique has the added advantage of keeping drug side effects at bay. It also reduces the dose of drugs one needs to take per day when on conventional medical care.

Before a person is started on yoga as form of treatment, the therapist has to determine the capability of the individual and health concerns they may have. The therapist should also find out why the individual needs this form of treatment. Once this has been determined, a treatment plan can then be rolled out.

In the sessions, clients are instructed to meditate, visualize, take certain postures or breathe in a certain way. Controlled breathing helps the individual to be empowered and be balanced. Unique posturing aids in easing off anxiety. All these techniques assist the client to gain relaxation and take control of their life at the end of day.

Together with special body posturing, meditating enables the client to be relaxed and set aside all their worries. This can be combined with imagery and exercises for breathing. People with post-traumatic stress disorder can greatly benefit from this so can those with esteem issues and substance addiction. In the long run, given commitment in treatment, such individuals regain full composure and control of their life.

Some of the medical conditions addressed by yoga include irritable bowel syndrome, cardiac disease and lung disease among other conditions. In these situations, yoga helps to improve circulation of oxygen to tissues. It also facilitates removal of waste material from the body. The relaxation provided by this therapy helps relieve stress and therefore reduces the chances of getting lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

The good thing about this form of treatment is the fact that it does not have the side effects that drugs cause on patients. In fact, it is given as slowly. The instructor gives the patient only what they can handle. They can be started on simple breathing exercises and then more complex moves built up from there. Therapy usually does not end in the field; the patient is given some moves to practise at home. More experienced individuals are usually given more homework since they are able to handle more.

In conclusion, it is important to customize therapy to a given client. No single size fits all patients, no matter how similar their illnesses may appear to be. Every individual is different and should be accorded the uniqueness they deserve. While some individuals can take any format of therapy, others can only go as far as breathing exercises.

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