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Emerging Science Behind Child Birth

By Ronald Perry

After marriage if we do not get a child the couples tend to go into psychological depression. This causes tensions in a relationships also. From many years research was going on in this direction. Today the medical science has found a breakthrough in child birth. One of the oldest centers who have mastered in this science is in Waco Obgyn.

Life is most beautiful gift that we have received from god. We can see lot of beings surrounding us. Living thing exist everywhere right from plants, ocean, snow and even the tiny bacteria. Humans may have understood a part of creation, however it is not possible to replicate every creature.

Fertility problems occur among us when a woman is not able to give birth to a child. Today medical science has overcome this issue by producing babies in test tubes creating artificial environment. Even in agriculture we have learn the technology to convert a barren land rich. It is our responsibility to save the earth. Farming is the key to that answer in future.

Today the education system focuses on making a child competitive market. We must change this cycle and concentrate on harnessing their skills. With the amount of books we tend to overburden our kids in studying what they do not like. We should ponder upon their physical and psychological development.

Love is amazing feeling which depicts the state of mind. We can associate this feeling with people, animal, plant, food, job or nature. In relation it helps to reduce depression and generate objectivity. Patriotism is a form of attachment towards our country. Kindness is also a different side of compassion that humans offer.

When an intimate relation is legally accepted in the society it is known as marriage. Thisis the reason why it is called as an institution that preaches to build strong relationships with our beloved. This concept is existing for many centuries in this world. Different cultures and communities are following this practice in the planet.

The science caused a turning point in history in the early philosophical period. People at those times used to make statements without facts only based on belief. Theories were changed once the reasons were revealed. This brought a drastic change in the thought process of the people. What we could not imagine thousand years ago is now possible.

Animals do not worship god as they do not break the code of nature. Human beings though created to be the guardians of earth have become the most dangerous species in the planet. Being at the top of the food chain they have to abide to the rules and regulations to stay on track. There are several species that have been extinct from the face of earth. We do not have the technology to bring them back.

In life it is important to have love in relationship. Abide by the rules of the society and the nature. As parents it is our duty to identify and encourage the skills of our children. The knowledge of science and technology should be put forth for constructive purpose of the environment.

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