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You Will Go A Long Way With Kor Teeth Whitening

By Maria Bell

Ever had a day completely turned around by one nice smile? To think that such a huge thing could be done by a set of thirty two grains is just astounding. However, for one reason or other some people develop dental stains; or a case of yellow teeth. Kor teeth whitening procedure is an excellent technique to correct that issue. If properly maintained and if all instructions are followed, the results could remain permanent. Unlike most chemical agents, these are completely safe and it is so clinically proven.

The technique developed by Dr. Rod Kurthy starts with a home remedy where the patient is equipped with a bleaching tray. The tray has gel in syringes and desensitizer. The kit is to be used every night for fourteen days or more if so prescribed. The gel does not auger well with heat of any kind. Do not leave it in the car or wash the tray with hot or warm water. Refrigerate the kit but do not freeze it. The idea is to keep it cool at all times.

In some rare cases, one may experience irritation, some redness, swelling and soreness. One may also experience extreme sensitivity. If any of these happen, discontinue immediately and consult the dentist. These cases are very rare but since not everyone is the same, caution should be observed.

Pregnant and nursing mothers ill have to put off their bleaching efforts until later when none of those conditions prevail. The kit should be kept as far away from children and pets as possible. Keep the kit clean. Despite having gotten an earful of instructions from the dentist, read the instructions anyway. Adhere to both.

There are some instances where some parts of the canvas leach before others, which is no cause for alarm. You should visit your dentist so that they advise you in the right way. In some instances, they may have to further do more bleaching trays on the affected areas for uniformity. More often, it is the lower set that takes longer to bleach.

This home remedy is only the first part of the treatment. After the said fourteen days, a difference will already be visible. There is a second part that goes a step further to improve the result. The clinic session will involve 34% hydremide Peroxide solution.

Dealing with stubborn detail stains and dirt? How about that garish yellow color that likes to shade the enamel? This technique is designed especially for that. It is designed to restore the oxygen absorption capability. You cannot help but liaise with the right professionals for the right assistance.

No pain, no gain. With this technique, there will not be pain but one will definitely gain a bright smile. No discomfort will be experienced in the course of treatment. For patients who are particularly sensitive, their concerns will be addressed. Even people who have gone through multiple techniques and gained nothing have hope with this technique.

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