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Tackling The Problem Of Teenage Obesity Using Youth Fitness Camp Miami

By Diane Sanders

America is a youthful nation. The percentage of youths exceeds every other demographic. There are more youths than old people. The number of young people in America is more than the number of middle aged individuals. That is a good thing. It paints a good light about the future of America. However, the young need to be as healthy as possible if America is to have a great future. Teenage obesity directly affects teenage health and that affects the American future. One of the ways of fighting teenage obesity involves a youth fitness camp Miami.

The importance of youth fitness must never be taken for granted. This matter must be given the seriousness that it deserves. That is because the problem of teenage obesity is quickly getting out of hand. This problem needs to be arrested as soon as possible. A significant percentage of American teenagers are obese. The obesity rate is even higher in the adult population.

Obesity is not something to joke about. It is not one of those issues that one can afford to ignore. That is due to the fact that it can cause death. Therefore, a person who cares about his life will do everything possible to be fit. There are a number of lethal diseases that are directly linked to obesity.

The obesity trend is worrying especially in the young population. With every passing year, the statistics keep getting worse. That is because of the modern day lifestyle. Children are no longer active. They spend too much time playing video games. In a fitness camp, a young person will not be playing video games. Instead, he will be playing physical games.

The body was not made for a sedentary lifestyle. It was made to be as active as possible. Sport makes the body active. Therefore, it will improve the health of an individual. During camping, the culture of sporting will be emphasized. Teenagers will be made to love sport. When the youth love playing sports, there will be a great future ahead.

The exercise that will greatly help an obese teenager is running. This exercise trains all the areas of the body. During the camping process, there will be running every day. This is an aerobic sport. Thus, it will help the heart. It will also help an individual to lose weight. Being fat distorts appearance and increases various health risks.

Being active is just but one side of the equation. The other side involves diet change. Exercising will actually be of little or no help if a teenager still eats unhealthy foods. By the time a young person will be leaving a fitness camp, he would have already adopted a healthy diet. This kind of diet will improve the quality of his life.

Medical practitioners all over America have warned about the obesity pandemic. This has made alarm bells to ring. The US government is already taking this matter seriously. From the senior levels of government, the issue of health is being emphasized. Schools have not been left behind. Some of the schools in America already have programs for tackling obesity.

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